What do you do when
grief hits recovery like a tsunami?
We help you find the
calm after the storm
Traditional relapse prevention methods create vulnerabilities in long-term recovery.
will your recovery withstand the impact of unimaginable loss?
You may ask...
"Why do I need MORE than a strong recovery program to protect long-term sobriety?"
...the truth is:
no matter how long you've been sober,
EVENTS will HAPPEN THAT WILL rock your foundation.
- Death of a loved one
- Financial ruin
- Divorce
- Medical Emergency
- Career-ending event
Catastrophic losses happen:
Grief and its impact on recovery
When catastrophic loss strikes,
it is accompanied by an
onslaught of emotions...
Chief among them:
Unfortunately, Grief is often Treated
as an ‘Outside Issue’ in Recovery
Programs & is Often Ignored
When developing Relapse
Prevention Plans.
Yet it is a Core Cause
of unshakable Anguish
that can make the
numbness of active
addiction seem like a
viable solution to the pain
Even to those who have
achieved Long-Term Sobriety
Why Recovery Programs Alone Are Not Enough
RECOVERY PROGRAMS help build stability by developing sober behaviors. RELAPSE PREVENTION PLANS add strategies to cope with daily stressors & mitigate known triggers. Each of these components serves as an integral "thread" woven together to create a metaphorical "recovery net" to protect sobriety.
But these plans are NOT built to anticipate and manage unforeseen, yet inevitable, tragic, life-altering events.
These events HIT HARD.
Hard enough to stretch the ‘THREADS’ of anyone's 'RECOVERY NET' and that creates holes through which a person can fall toward relapse.
So...the unexpected loss not only changes your life situation, it also endangers your recovery, threatening to restart the revolving door of 'RELAPSE-ADDICTION-TREATMENT-RECOVERY' and all of the drama that comes along with it
end the cycle of Relapse
Relapse is much more about addiction than recovery.
Too many believe that they can relapse and simply "keep coming back."
Tragically, far too many never find their way back, often resulting in overdose and death.
strengthen your recovery
To protect your sobriety and build resilience, it’s crucial to:
Build upon your recovery practices and principles
Develop and incorporate spiritual action practices
Gain knowledge of grief
by reinforcing your
recovery net with
Spiritual Action and
Knowledge of Grief,
You create a stronger
Foundation that can
withstand life’s
inevitable tragedies
Welcome to the Journey With Love® with Dr. Noeréna
at the journey with love, we empower those in recovery to strengthen their recovery net with
spiritual action & knowledge of grief so that they are prepared to walk through
the unacceptable, the unthinkable, and the impossible with grace over drama.
You’ve worked this hard to reclaim your life,
Now do the work necessary to withstand
anything life throws your way –
from epic success to utter tragedy.
Let’s Keep Growing Together: Free Webinar Coming Soon!
I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you!
I want to invite you to my free webinar where we’ll explore more about personal power in recovery.
It’s a great opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others on the same path.
Make sure to sign up so you’ll be the first to know when it’s happening!
The Journey with Love ®
Advanced online curricula for Addiction Counselors and Group Facilitators dedicated to the prevention of relapse during grief, loss and change.